October 17, 2019
The Journey
Being brought up in a religious family and having church leaders for parents and grandparents, I had a front row seat as I watched the numerous planning sessions for marriages, funeral, baby dedication/naming aka christenings and I’d often see various ceremonies within the Christian community.
I would be lost amongst the adults passionately talking about what they wanted to happen at their ceremony. I was always intrigued by the planning and preparation stage and would often will myself to grow older to be able to be in a position to carry out such an important and respectful task.
My passion to be a part of creating and developing ceremonies goes way back to my roots. Whilst it is not a topic I speak about often, I am thankful for my beginnings as a lot of my core values, morals and love for ceremonies were instilled in me from a very tender age.
At the age of 16 I participate in helping to officiate a funeral service. It was challenging, but very rewarding as I was able to assist the family with planning and delivering the service for their loved one, that truly reflected the person that had died. Not long after I was able to be included in the wedding ceremony for a young couple. I was a part of the planning stage and performing the ceremony. Doing the journey with the couple and performing the ceremony that saw them married was a momentous feeling that will forever be in the aide memoir of my heart.
Ceremonies is a part of who I am, it always has been and always will be.